Dementia Revolution

At some point in our lives we will all come across the horrible disease that is dementia. But what is it? It is a blanket word that describes a set of symptoms that include difficulties in thinking and memory loss. The symptoms start small but, over time, will effect the person's everyday life and then those around them. It can be brought on by a series of strokes, reduced oxygen to the brain (Vascular dementia) or by the most common form of dementia - Alzheimer's.
There are over 850,000 people in the world who have dementia in some form, with 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 being affected. Think it's just for the elderly? Think again - there are over 42,000 in the UK alone under the age of 65 that have dementia - and that number keeps rising.
To help in the fight to find a cure, to fund research and allow to help pay for the amazing carers that look after those suffering, Alzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society have joined forces to form Dementia Revolution.
Having previously raised money for Alzheimer's Society, I am looking forward to the challenge that I have set myself for this April to try and do my bit in the fight to support Dementia Revolution. For those that are not aware of my pledge - I am aiming to raise £1000 by running the Brighton Marathon on 14th April and then complete the London Marathon on 28th April. Anyone wishing to donate to this great cause and give me some encouragement please use the link below:

My previous posts explain my running background, but in a nutshell - I'm a bad runner. I'm overweight, I'm injured almost all the time, but I run. Despite not being a runner for long (only 3 years) I have always wanted to run the London Marathon. The thought of running down Pall Mall in the backdrop of Buckingham Palace with thousands cheering you on - just gets the hairs standing on end talking about it. It's always been a dream, and now I can make this a reality and also raise money for a cause I feel strongly about.
I'm not going to feed in a sob story to tug at the heart strings, but I am going to say that I have 1st hand experience of how dementia can affect the person who has it and also those around them - and it's hard!
For those of you still reading this; Thank You.
For those of you who are kind enough to donate using the above link: I love you!!


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